
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about getting married at All Saints.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book All Saints?
As soon as you have decided you would like to be married in All Saints get in touch with the Parish Office. Staff there will be able to discuss with you dates and the availability of the choir, organist, bell-ringers and whether you want extra flowers for your wedding. Ring on 01522 931076.

How much will it cost?
There are legal fees for a marriage which cover the publication of the banns, banns certificate (if necessary), the marriage service and a certificate of marriage.  The fees are fixed centrally and revised annually and the office staff can advise you of the current fees. You may be surprised that the cost of a wedding in church is often quite a lot cheaper than a civil ceremony in a hotel. And our clergy will spend a lot more time getting to know you before the service and be much more open to listening to your ideas.

What if one or both of us is divorced?
The Church of England teaches that marriage is for life but it recognises that sometimes marriages do fail.  Here at All Saints we accept that, in most circumstances, a divorced person may marry again in church during the lifetime of a former spouse.  The Parish Administrator will need to arrange for you to meet with the Rector before a firm booking can be made.

Foreign nationals?
If one or both of you are foreign nationals, there may be a slightly more complicated registration process to go through before you can be married in church. It quite often happens, these days, and there should be no problem.

Do I have to be baptised and/or a regular churchgoer to be married at All Saints?
No. Anyone who lives in the parish or meets the wider qualifying connections who can legally be married in the UK is entitled to be married in church. The same goes for when one of you is a member of another denomination or another faith. We'd love to talk to you about exploring the christian faith, and about being baptised, but it is not a requirement.

How flexible is the service?
The service is surprisingly flexible. We use the contemporary language service of the Church of England, which is very clear and much more equal in its treatment of the bride and groom than former services. We expect you to have an organist, and generally to sing some hymns - we can help you choose, and here is lots of advice on the church weddings website. You will need a bible reading, but you can have a variety of other readings, songs and music. It is your big day, and we want to help you make it special, personal and wonderful. We will meet well before the service to discuss the shape and content.

How many guests can we have?
The church isn't huge and seats about 150 comfortably. However, it feels a great welcoming space with far fewer. With notice we can put in extra chairs, and have managed as many as 300, though it is a bit of a squash.

Am I allowed photos and videos?
Yes, of course. We do ask the congregation to refrain from taking photographs during the service so they can concentrate on praying for you and supporting you. We also limit the places and times that professional photographers and videographers can operate - it is a wedding, not a photo-shoot! We sadly have to charge extra for the organist if any of the  service is shot on video.


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wc 19th February